About us

MNI - the international trade association representing the medical nutrition industry

MNI – the Medical Nutrition International Industry association MNI – is the voice of the medical nutrition industry at international level. MNI gathers companies that offer specialised nutritional solutions and services designed to meet the diverse nutritional needs of patients. We represent companies providing products for nutritional interventions: Oral Nutritional Supplements (ONS), Enteral Tube Feeding (enteral nutrition via the gastrointestinal tract), and Parenteral Nutrition (intravenous feeding).

We strive to put nutrition at the heart of patient care and we aim at an environment that provides fair access to nutritional care throughout the world. MNI is dedicated to advancing better care through better nutrition, across all ages and healthcare settings.

1 in 3

Cancer patients are malnourished

33 mln

People in Europe are malnourished or at risk of developing malnutrition

170 € bn/year

Is the estimated cost of malnutrition for European countries

MNI grants

The MNI grant rewards national initiatives or research projects for Optimal Nutritional Care. Over the years, the MNI Grant has supported or stimulated ambitious initiatives which have contributed to improving nutritional care policies at the national level.

News and events

By Bambeh Keita, MNI Expert As we observe World Cancer Day on 4th February, it’s crucial to highlight an often-overlooked…

When? 5 February 2025, 15:00 – 17:00 CET Where? European Parliament, Brussels MEP Vytenis Andriukaitis honours us with the privilege…

The recently published Health at a Glance: Europe 2024 report by the OECD marks an important milestone in recognising malnutrition…


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