ESPEN-ENHA-MNI Joint Session: “Optimal Nutritional Care for All: Medical Nutrition Supports Cost-Effective Care”, 19 September 2016, Copenhagen

The annual ESPEN-ENHA-MNI Joint Session – moderated by André Van Gossum (ESPEN Chair) – was very well attended by a full auditorium at the ESPEN 2016 Congress. The Session was open by Henrik Højgaard Rasmussen with an overview on the Danish approach to fight malnutrition, from a general guidance to an implementation and change in clinical practice. Flemming Møller Mortensen – Member of the Danish Parliament for the Social Democrats and spokesperson for Health – gave an inspirational speech on cost-effective care of malnutrition in Denmark.

This highly appreciated intervention completed a programme focusing on health economics of medical nutrition with a presentation on ONS benefits by Alessandro Laviano. It also featured a factual presentation on the new role of the European Food Safety Authority for the scientific evaluation of Food for Special Medical Purposes by Silvia Valtuena Martinez.
Introduced by Flemming Morgan, MNI President, Sadik Kiliçturgay presented the outstanding KEPAN project – winner of the MNI Grant 2016 edition – aiming at educating future healthcare professionals, with the ultimate goal to increase the awareness of students on malnutrition and on the importance of nutritional support and multidisciplinary approach in disease management.

Full programme

MNI Grant 2016 Winner

The presentations are available here below for download

MNI Grant 2016 Winner
The MNI Grant 2016 was awarded – during the ESPEN-ENHA-MNI Joint Session on 19th September – to KEPAN – Society of Clinical Enteral Parenteral Nutrition Turkey, for its ambitious project on education of future healthcare professionals entitled “Seeding a fertile land: a little effort before graduation can open a big window to awareness of malnutrition”. 

More information here.

MNI hosted at FMF Hot Spot
MNI and FMF – the Danish Federation for Medical Nutrition – were jointly present with a Hot Spot at the Congress Hall. This was a great opportunity to disseminate several FMF and MNI communication material, including the ONS summary booklet both in English and in Danish and the newly published Factsheet on Medical Nutrition.

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