MNI Grant 2023: 15 project proposals received

Brussels, 11 May, 2023

MNI announces that applications for the MNI Grant closed on 30 April with the submission of 15 valuable projects worldwide. The winner of the MNI Grant 2023 will be announced at the ESPEN Congress 2023 in Lyon, France. Hear more from Rebecca Stevenson, MNI Grant Expert, about the MNI award on clinical nutrition. 

Watch the full video here.

The MNI grant rewards national initiatives or research projects for Optimal Nutritional Care. The objective is to support and/or inspire high-quality initiatives. 2023 marks the 15th anniversary of the Grant. Over the years, the MNI Grant has supported or stimulated ambitious initiatives – endorsed by PEN (or sister) societies worldwide – which have contributed to improving nutritional care policies at national level.

Read more about the MNI Grant. 

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