Press Release – MNI-GEDSA joint position paper on ISO standard for enteral feeding systems

The adoption of the ISO standard 20695 is a much-needed landmark. It will provide a unique set of rules at global level for enteral feedings devices and will strengthen safety of patients on enteral nutrition.
MNI & GEDSA support ISO standard on the design and testing of enteral feeding systems.

Brussels, 16 April 2019 – MNI, the Medical Nutrition International Industry, and GEDSA, the Global Enteral Device Supplier Association, support the draft ISO 20695 standard on the design and testing of enteral feeding systems and invite national standardization bodies to adopt the ISO 20695 standard in the final vote for publication.

Léa Coulet – MNI Executive Director said: “The adoption of the standard is a much-needed landmark. It will provide a unique set of rules at global level for enteral feedings devices and will strengthen safety of patients by minimizing the risk of misconnections between enteral feeding systems and devices for other medical applications.”

Mike Cusack – GEDSA Executive Director added: “The ISO 20695 standard reflects current practice in the market, as compliant connectors are already implemented in most of the European countries and are being increasingly deployed around the globe.”

Significant efforts have already been made to promote adoption and implementation of this standard. In anticipation of the standard adoption, various stakeholders – including clinicians and enteral device manufacturers – have launched a campaign to promote the implementation of the connection system worldwide:

Joint MNI GEDSA position paper on ISO 20695 standard
15 April 2019

MNI, the Medical Nutrition International Industry, and GEDSA, the Global Enteral Device Supplier Association, support the ISO 20695 standard on the design and testing of enteral feeding systems (giving sets, feeding tubes, syringes and accessories).

The adoption of the standard will be an important and much-needed milestone to provide a unique set of rules at global level for enteral feeding devices and to strengthen safety of patients on enteral nutrition.

MNI and GEDSA welcome the positive vote in a majority of countries in favor of the draft standard on 11th March 2019 and invite national standardization bodies to confirm the ISO 20695 standard in the final vote.

Adoption of ISO 20695 provides clarity with a single and comprehensive set of rules at global level:
• The ISO 20695 standard being developed since 2015 will replace the European standards EN 1615 and EN 1618. Being an international standard, ISO 20695 defines the same state-of-the-art requirements for enteral feeding systems at the global level.
• The scope of the standard is extended to cover enteral feeding systems that were previously not standardized (e.g. balloon gastrostomy tubes).
• ISO 20695 also incorporates the new connection systems (ISO 80369-3 and ISO 18250-3) , which reduce risks linked to misconnections between medical devices for different medical applications.
The ISO 20695 standard reflects current practice in the market. The standard refers to small bore connectors for enteral applications currently deployed in the market:
• ISO 80369-3 and ISO 18250-3 compliant connectors are implemented in most of the European countries and are being increasingly deployed around the globe .
• These connectors are adopted by a vast majority of enteral feeding devices manufacturers, including all MNI and GEDSA members, active in enteral feeding systems.
• Significant efforts have already been deployed to promote adoption and implementation of the standard. In anticipation of the adoption of the standard, various stakeholders including clinicians and enteral device manufacturers have launched a campaign to promote the implementation of the connection system worldwide: ISO 20695 standard further strengthens safety of patients on enteral feeding.
• With the adoption of the ISO 20695 standard, the risk of life-threatening misconnections between enteral feeding systems and devices for other medical applications (e.g. connection of enteral feeding tubes to intravenous nutrition systems) will be further reduced.
• To MNI and GEDSA knowledge, there has not been any adverse events linked to misconnections with devices complying with ISO 80369-3 or ISO 18250-3.
The ISO 20695 standard brings clarity to users by creating the reference to the connector standard ISO80369-3 (known as ENFit®) and suggesting one standardized direction of flow for enteral feeding devices. Introducing a different design would create confusion among users:
• Users would need to be trained to the new design.
• Users would need to phase two or more different designs which might not be interchangeable between each other resulting in the impossibility to start a feeding therapy and the need to replace (parts of the) enteral feeding system or to use adapters to facilitate a connection. Using adapters should be avoided as this might cause confusion or even distress and opens the possibility for accidental misconnections again between connectors of systems from different healthcare applications.
What is enteral feeding?
Enteral Feeding – also called enteral tube feeding or nasogastric feeding – is administered into the gastrointestinal tract via a nasogastric, nasoenteric or percutaneous tube.
Enteral feeding is required when a patient is unable to consume sufficient nutrition via the oral route.
Examples include: severe cystic fibrosis, cerebral palsy, after a stroke or major surgery, such as head and neck surgery, and critical illness.
Enteral feeding can be supplementary to oral intake or parenteral nutrition or can be the sole source of nutrition.

What are enteral feeding systems?
Enteral feeding systems are the medical devices required to provide enteral nutrition solutions to patients: giving sets, feeding tubes, syringes, etc. All need to connect safely to each other.

What are Enteral Feeding Systems Connectors?
Connectors are small components that connect the different elements of the feeding systems. Connectors are crucial to ensure an effective and safe connection between the differentdevices and allow a seamless flow of the nutritional solution from the container into the patient gastric system.

Further information on enteral feeding can be found on MNI website:

Further information on enteral feeding systems can be found on the GEDSA website:

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MNI-GEDSA joint position paper on ISO standard 20695

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